I have been faced with a multitude of obstacles and challenges this month. I have found myself in very undesirable circumstances a great deal as well. However, it is true. Tough times come to make you stronger. I would not wish on anyone some of the things that I have had to endure this month. However, I am a better person for it. These passing days have taught me so much about myself and about life. My outlook on things has changed in many ways. I have learned to appreciate everything, no matter how small and minor. I have learned not to think too highly of myself. I am grateful for my family and cherish them above all else. My children drive me to be all that I can be for them. They rely on my strength and wisdom and I need not let them down. In the near future I know my next post will reveal the promises of my future. However, I probably would not see it if it were not for the struggles I encountered recently.